A number of forensic members of the FCRG will be attending and presenting at the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders’ (IATSO) 13th Annual Conference in Porto (Portugal) next month (3-6th Sept). More specifically:

– Prof. Todd Hogue will be chairing a symposium entitled “Cognition and Sexual Interests/Behaviours: New Theoretical, Assessment, & Treatment Insights’. Within this symposium, Prof. Hogue (alongside Prof. Derek Perkins) will present findings from their eye-tracking studies on sexual violence. Also, Dr. Ross Bartels will present his theoretical model of sexual thinking and fantasies.

– Dr Hannah Merdian will be presenting her research on Child Sexual Exploitation Material offenders within a symposium entitled “And yes, they ARE different!” (Treatment) Needs of Offenders who use Child Sexual Exploitation Material” (chaired by Prof. Doug Boer). Within this same symposium, Dr. Bartels will present a talk about the implicit theories of CSEM offenders. Finally, Dr. Merdian will present Danielle Kettleborough’s (PhD student) research about the development of a measure for assessing distorted cognition in CSEM offenders.

– PhD student, Craig Harper, will be presenting a talk about how sexual crime prototypes guide social and political discourse regarding sexual crime legislation. Craig will also be presenting a poster detailing a study that reimagines the Community Attitudes Towards Sex Offenders Scale (CATSO).

Finally, alongside Prof. Perkins, Dr. Merdian is running a workshop on how to manage CSEM offences and offenders.

The full programme for the conference can be found here:

If you’re interested in attending as a delegate, the registration information can be found here: http://www.iatso.org/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=60&vmcchk=1&Itemid=60