In April of this year, an academic community blog – named nextgenforensic – was set up by a number of next generation sex offender researchers from the UK, US, and Canada. The aim of the blog is to provide a platform for discussing new ideas regarding the theory, assessment, treatment, and prevention of sexual abuse and violence, as well as offering a space for researchers and practitioners to communicate their work and ideas to a wider audience.
FCRG member Ross Bartels sits on the editorial team for the blog as an Associate Editor, along with the two main Editors (Ian Elliott, Ian Mcphail), and two other Associate Editors (Caoilte Ó Ciardha, Kelly Babchishin). More recently, Danielle Kettleborough (of the FCRG) was appointed as the Student Editor for nextgenforensic. Over the past six months, the editors have posted numerous discussionary pieces, some of which have prompted responses from major figures in the field. There have also been a number of posts written by external contribitors, including doctoral researchers (one of which is a post by Craig Harper of the FCRG) and prominent researchers (e.g., Michael Seto offered valuable advice for nextgen researchers). As a result, the blog has attracted a growing interest from around the world.
nextgenforensic aims to continue in its endeavor to promote and encourage thought-provoking discussions, as well as disseminate cutting-edge knowledge and research to those interested in learning more about the complex field of sexual offending. If you would like to contribute by sharing some of your academic ideas, research, or insights regarding sexual abuse and violence, please click here for details on how to submit a post. You can also follow nextgenforensic on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Linkedin.