Amanda Roberts and her colleagues have had two new papers accepted for publication on the topic of problematic gambling.
For those interested in reading the papers when they are published, the references are below:
Sharman, S., Murphy, R., Turner, J. & Roberts, A (2019). Psychosocial correlates in treatment seeking gamblers: Differences in early age onset gamblers vs later age onset gamblers. Addictive Behaviors.
Rogers, J., Landon, J., Sharman, J., & Roberts, A. (2019). Anonymous women? A scoping review of the experiences of women in Gamblers Anonymous (GA). International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.
In addition to these, Amanda and colleague also recently published a paper examining whether GPS should screen for gambling disorders.
Roberts, A., Bowden Jones, H., Roberts, D. & Sharman, S. (2019). Should GPs routinely screen for gambling disorders? British Journal of General Practice, 69 (682): 226-227.