Prof Roberts receives Productivity Voucher funding

FCRG member, Prof Amanda Roberts, and her colleague (Dr Kyla Pennington) have successfully secured a Productivity Voucher (approx. £6,000) to work with the local Recovery Coach Community in helping them pilot an innovative new approach to supporting individual and community substance addiction recovery in the UK.

The project will begin at the end of September 2022 and will run for 6 months.

New Talks Presented by Lauren Smith

Last week, Dr Lauren Smith presented a paper on The Lived Experiences of Gambling and Crime at The British Society of Criminology conference at The University of Surrey. Attendance at the conference was funded by The Howard League for Penal Reform.

Also, Lauren was recently invited to do a short, pre-recorded talk for the recent Regional Inequality Commission workshop, hosted by Liz Shutt, University of Lincoln’s Director of Policy, which brought together local stakeholders to discuss the University’s role in reducing inequality. The talk was a summary of the collaborative projects arising from the Lincolnshire Reducing Offending Core Priority group.


Ross Bartels publishes new paper on sexual fantasising

Ross Bartels has published a co-authored a paper in the Journal of Sexual Aggression with graduated MSc student Cheye Willis. The study examines whether the phenomenology of sexual fantasies (arousal, vividness, absorption) is related to motivation to enact the fantasy, as well as whether the plausibility of sexual fantasy (both paraphilic and non-paraphilic) is associated with sexual fantasising and past enactment of the behaviour.



This study examined whether the phenomenology (vividness, absorption, sexual arousal) and plausibility of sexual fantasies are associated with behavioural motivation and enactment. An online sample (N = 254) completed a working memory capacity (WMC) questionnaire. They then envisioned an unenacted sexual fantasy and rated its phenomenological characteristics and their motivation to enact it. Next, a questionnaire measuring deliberate sexual fantasising, spontaneous sexual thoughts, behavioural enactment, and content plausibility was completed. Phenomenological characteristics were unrelated to WMC, but positively associated with motivation. Deliberate fantasising was associated with behavioural enactment for both non-paraphilic and paraphilic content. Spontaneous thoughts were associated with the plausibility of non-paraphilic and paraphilic content, while deliberate fantasising was only associated with plausible non-paraphilic content. Plausibility mediated the relationship between sexual thinking and behaviour for both types of content. The results suggest that the phenomenology and plausibility of sexual fantasises are important factors for understanding the sexual fantasy-behaviour link.

FCRG members present at 2022 DFP conference

Recently, several FCRG members, along with past and present students, attended and presented at the 2022 Division of Forensic Psychology (DFP) annual conference in Solihull (14-16th June 2022). A host of oral and poster presentations, across a wide range of topics, were presented over the course of the event. Here’s a run down of them below:



Isobel Corfield (current MSc student) ‘Dacryphilia and its Affiliations’
Elizabeth Deehan (PhD student) ‘Using online viewing time measures to understand somnophilic sexual interests’
Matthew King-Parker (PhD student) ‘The Validation of the Burglary Scripts Assessment’
Georgia Harries (graduate) and Tochs Onwuegbusi ‘To replicate or conceal? Creating fairer line-ups for multiple suspects with dissimilar distinctive features’
Megan Hartley (current MSc student)   ‘Public perception of men who have committed infrafamilial and     extrafamilial sexual offences against children’ (published paper)
Roshini Sahsan-Stock (graduate) and Tochs Onwuegbusi ‘Impact of risk assessment, media and offender’s characteristics on lay people’s fairness in judgement of terrorist offenders’
Phil Willmot ‘Risk assessment with racially minoritised clients’
Rachael Dagnall (with Nic Bowes & Sophie Ellis) ‘Decolonising Forensic Psychology: An interactive workshop’
Phil Willmot ‘Why we need to stop talking about trauma: Thinking systemically about threat, safety and connection’
Michelle Smith ‘Systematic review of professional boundaries on risk in forensic secure settings: process learning and preliminary results’
Matt King-Parker (PhD student) ‘Re-enacting burglary scripts in virtual reality’
Leah Stainsby (graduate) & Tochs Onwuegbusi  ‘Impact or risk assessment and offender characteristics on lay people’s fairness in judgement and sentencing of violent offenders’
Abbie Chambers (graduate) and Michelle Smith ‘The relationship between dual role conflict & stress in staff working with forensic clients: An exploratory study’
Bethan Harcourt (graduate) and Michelle Smith Public perceptions of adolescents engaged in violent extremism
Karolina Wojcik (current MSc student) ‘The Function of sexual fantasies and their relationship with developmental factors’ (part of a symposium convened by Ross Bartels)
Courteney Ferguson (current MSc student) ‘Exhibitionism proclivity, sexual fantasy functions, and primary human goods’ (part of a symposium convened by Ross Bartels)
Elizabeth Deehan (PhD student) ‘Somnophilia: Attraction to a Sleep State or Specific Behaviours?’ (part of a symposium convened by Ross Bartels)

Amanda Roberts awarded research funding!

In May 2022, Prof Amanda Roberts was awarded £39,890.84 from NIHR CRN East Midlands fund for under-served communities for a bid with colleagues Jim Rogers and Mark Gussy.

The grant will fund a project entitled ‘Mapping and Understanding Gambling Related-harm In Lincolnshire‘. This will help to inform the development of a larger study with the same populations and communities.